Wednesday, July 30, 2008

And they'll know we are Christians by our....spelling presentation?...

The first question I received during the teacher workshop I presented this week...

"Are you a Christian?"

Surprised and very honestly a little confused, I answered: "YES!"

Marta, the young teacher who was asking, told me that she and her husband have just come to Guatemala and are looking for a church to get plugged into. I was more than thrilled to be able to share Union Church of Guatemala with her and her husband Rob over dinner that night.

In my last post I had mentioned how I was so looking forward to giving this presentation because it would offer me an opportunity to testify. So, I know I shouldn't have been quite so amazed that God made doing so possible. He is amazing!! I guess it was my first experience of "random" recognition by a stranger, though, and it did catch me off guard. But how inspiring and motivating! I know I was there to help Marta and Rob find ways to serve God while they're here, but it was also a personal confirmation that God does want to keep using me here as well. (and Yay! for that because I really want to stay here!!) My faith has been strengthened that God will continue to provide for our life here.

On another exciting was our two-year wedding anniversary yesterday. We weren't planning on doing much, as money is tight, and then we were given a restaurant gift certificate by some friends for helping them out last month. So we were able to go out and enjoy a special night, including dessert: Oreo Mad_ess. God is Good!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Just WITNESS While you Work..."

I am so excited to be working on a presentation that I've been asked to give at my former school. I'm about a quarter of the way done with the planning and will be presenting the last week of July. While it is not an official "ministry," I am so glad to have a chance to offer myself as a positive witness of Jesus' love to a different group of people. ( Just like with never know who will be watching when!!) In addition, in researching for the presentation, I am learning TONS of interesting (and useful!) information about language and teaching!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Beware the Mud Monsters!

One thing I L-O-V-E about the missionary life here in Guatemala is how amazingly supportive, helpful, and genuinely generous the missionary community is. Through the InterMissions organization, people are always offering to help one another with small and very big things alike. Sometimes in unbelievable ways. And in ways which I've seen lead to true miracles. So, in the spirit of trying to help others, I (Javier wants no part of this decision!) have volunteered to dog sit for another teacher from CAG while she and her husband are visiting family in the States. Fewer than 48 hours into this "giving" experience, (which has included four dog baths, multiple loads of laundry, and washing and rewashing my floor), I have come to the conclusion that the Mud Monsters simply can't be beaten. Two 75+lb. dogs. The rainiest rainy season in recent history. And me. Needless to say, I do not see myself a victor anytime soon. Your prayers for sunnier days or suggestions for better defenses against these four-legged foes are greatly appreciated!!!

Aside from that, I have today finished all the requirements of Master's program and am looking forward to receiving my diploma sometime in September! I am truly blessed and am excited to be able to bring all my experience and knowledge to help others here!!