Sunday, February 15, 2009

Servant Days 2009: Building in Xela

This year our class traveled to Quetzaltenango (aka Xela), Guatemala to help with the construction of a Bible school near there. Although Xela is located less than 200km (less than 120 miles) northwest of the city, the trip takes over four hours due to road conditions and mountainous terrain. The city of Xela itself is located at about 7,500 feet above sea level.

We left school around 8am Thursday morning and arrived at the seminary that hosted us just in time for lunch a little before 12:30. After fueling up, we headed to the work site, about fifteen minutes outside of Xela.

Once at the work site, the kids began helping haul cement block to the second level of the building and then used it to construct the ceiling. Others began the arduous process of chipping away a first layer of cement from the walls in preparation for finishing layers that will be added later. Still others were responsible for shoveling and hauling dirt to backfill along the foundation of the building.

On the second day, after working all day, the kids put on a performance for some local children by singing songs in Spanish and telling the story of Noah. And both days there was, of course, time made for some friendly soccer games between the gringos and the locals.

It was such a blessing to me to work beside these teenagers who labored so hard with no complaining; no expectation of something in return, but rather with so much laughter and joy! It truly gives me hope.

I think the video I've put together will help you see how God not only worked through them during these Servant Days, but also how He worked in them as well.