Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Harvest Fair!

This past Saturday we celebrated our annual Harvest Fair at school! It's a time when middle and high school students plan, set up, and run a fall festival with games and goodies for younger kids and their families. It's a great service project that helps to bring a little piece of "home" to those (of us) who miss such celebrations this time of year. Our eleventh grade class ran a face painting booth, ladder climb, bounce house, and Cafe Le Cirque...since this year's theme was The Circus! I hope you'll enjoy the video!! With blessings for a Happy "Fall"!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Today was one of those Midwest fall-weather days which catch me by surprise every now and then here in the subtropics. It was cold and rainy, but crisp. And the air was filled with the scent of burning wood. And all I wanted to do was get home, snuggle on the couch and dream that the fine mist coming down might actually turn a little bit white by the morning. But, alas, all the trees are still green as emeralds, there's no football on TV and no Grandpa Harry's chili on the stove, and the burning wood is actually from the homes nearby where they have to build fires to cook and heat their water. We don't have a couch...somehow the cold tile floor just isn't the same...and there is no way I'll ever see a little frost on the ground tomorrow. Sometimes I miss home so much...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blessings Abound!

I can't believe it's been a whole month since last I posted something here! So sorry!!

In this past week we've been witness to some great works of God!! Our dear friend Elaine was able to come to Guatemala and take her little girl Sofia home!! It has been a long time coming and not without difficulties and some heartaches, but as we sat at Pizza Hut and listened to Sofia offer a prayer of thanks before diving into her cheese pizza pie, I knew it was nothing short of God's hand at work. We send our blessings and love to Elaine, Isa, and Sofia as they start their new life together.

And Javier was touched this weekend as he received by "luck" a full-payment tuition voucher for a course he has long wanted to take in order to fulfill his certification through the Linux Professional Institute. Not only was he blessed with this "random" offering, but he was able to use the experience to testify to others about this work of God.

God is Good!! And I'm glad to be able to share some of that with you!!