Sunday, March 8, 2009

Of Middle Schoolers, Midwesterners, and Medals!

Middle Schoolers: I distinctly remember the days of substitute teaching many years ago when the thought of being placed in charge of middle schoolers had me shaking in my boots! Now I mostly just shake with laughter from enjoying them. Recently my English Enrichment class planned their own class party in celebration of all they've learned this year. There was pizza, board games, and live music courtesy of Yo Han, an extremely accomplished pianist. How refreshing to see these simple pleasures able to truly entertain kids of this age!!

In the world of Destination ImagiNation, my other groups of middle level kids have been recently participating in skills workshops to get themselves prepared for the big competition on April 18. Prayer support is GREATLY appreciated here as they work on time management and teamwork issues.

Midwesterners: This past week Javier and I were blessed to be able to share great meals, fun times, and enthusiastic conversations with friends of family and other friends who had ventured down this way. We loved having the opportunity to keep in touch with folks back home, make new friends, and hear about how others are working in and enjoying Guatemala. Sarah and Howard were here from Tennessee with other members of their church on an annual trip to help build in Mazatenango. And Mark, Fran from Wisconsin, and their friend Walt, told about their new found love for Guatemala and how they'd like to help an NGO build a library in Santiago. (*My apologies if Tennessee isn't technically in the midwest...I was working on a catchy title!)

Medals: Just yesterday I ran in my sixth annual Avon Run Against Breast Cancer. Although this is something familiar to most people in the States, it is a relatively new event here in Guatemala. Each year, however, I've watched it grow and grow. This year over 4,000 women of all ages ran! I was able to get our first grade teacher and two girls from our high school to run along. We are hopeful that even more ladies will join us next time around!!


Brady Greene "Chepe" said...

Tennessee?!? Y'all midwesterners just don't understand.

Sherry L. de Alvarez said...

Can't we all just get along?!?! ;)

Suzy Leonard said...

so are you going to be excited when a real mid-westerner comes to visit you???

Sherry L. de Alvarez said... that midwesterner bringing me fun presents?!?! miracle whip perhaps?