Thursday, June 18, 2009

Decompressing and Following the Call

I realize it has been awhile since I've put up an actual mission-newsletter-y-update. While I have been attempting to post events as they unfold here in Guatemala, I have been doing so without sending out notices each time. So, for more detailed updates on the state of affairs, please scroll down through my older posts below.

Part of school ending has been some decompression time for me, during which I have been limiting my contact outside of the house. This hasn't been a completely conscious choice, and each day I wake up feeling guilty that I have not been doing more. But in honesty, when I look back at all that has occurred, not just this school year, but over the past two years, these are the first days that I've had to stay in my house and feel guilty about staying in my house. In the past, when I haven't been full-bore on activities for school, I was working on Master's degree and tutoring. Since I've graduated and have only taken on one student (due to family schedules this summer) for tutoring, I have this time on my hands. Initially I thought I would use every waking second getting ready for next year...research, planning, designing, etc. But I think what God is having me do right now instead is take advantage of this down time to make sure burnout is not on the way. Next year I know my class load will be heavier (thanks to initiatives I began this year) and I will be working with the senior class (the most demanding in the high school years), and while I will eventually need to start getting ready for all of that, what I need most right now is to slow down, listen to what God wants me to hear, and work on not feeling guilty about that. I ask for your continued prayers in helping me do this. Not working or even working more slowly is not in my nature and something I struggle with. I know as soon as I head for the States things will be a whirlwind of activities and connecting and sharing and moving. And when I get back from that, school will be just around the corner, so I know I need to take this time now to take care of myself.

That's not to say Javier and I haven't been doing anything. As we continue to feel called to help in the fight for justice here in Guatemala, we continue to participate as much as we can, spread the word to others, and pray. (again...for details, please scroll through the older posts below...and visit my sharsite for pictures...)

Thank you for your continued support, love, and concern for us here!


Jean Nordby said...

Dear Sherry,
I am writing from Cisco Lake. I know it is difficult for you to think you should be "doing something" but you are! Down time is a critical component for our bodies and souls. All work will be done in due time! Renew your spirit and stay safe.Sincerely, Jean

Suzy Leonard said...

yeah for down time!!! enjoy it while it lasts my friend, you know it will be short lived! (this of course coming from the girl who practically put herself in a isolation/depression box when she had all the down time in the world being unemployed!;)

Sherry L. de Alvarez said...

I appreciate your support, ladies!