My sincerest apologies for my disappearance and great thanks for your continued love and support in spite of it!!!!
With the obvious exception of having added our dear little Sammy to the mix, Javier and I continue our ministries at Christian Academy of Guatemala in much the same way as last reported. I am back to school part time this year, but somehow find myself working with more kids and staff than ever before (does this mean I've somehow become more efficient in my mommy-hood???). While I did graduate a number of elementary students from the supplemental early literacy program last school year, a large influx of new students requiring English language support have come under my jurisdiction this year. In addition, I have a new staff member dedicated to working with literacy support for middle school students, which is a long-awaited answer to prayer. And as my dearly-loved Class of 2010

has made its way out into the world, I have eagerly taken on the role of Class Advisor for this year's freshmen (Class of 2014 for those of you playing our home game). This class is made up of the very first group of kids I worked with when starting at CAG three years ago! They were just entering middle school (sixth grade) back then; and now they're nearly grown! I feel so blessed to have been given this opportunity to reconnect with this special group of
young people! Our first big event, Harvest Fair, is soon upon us, and we'll be starting plans for it this week!
Javier continues his support to the school computer lab, being a presence for any and all requests of teachers and students alike. His patience and love of everything technology related are such great gifts! As our church continues in its search for a new pastor, Javier, in his role as Elder, has been both running the contemporary service each week AND helping to lead worship. He loves being able to serve UCG in both these ways. I continue to sing on the Praise Team, when time (and Sam!) allow. And although we have had to let go of our beloved Messiah performance this year, we are hopeful to be able to participate in the church's Christmas cantata (...for which the rehearsals begin this week!!).
When I think over all that has transpired in these last few "lost" months, I feel supremely blessed. I praise God every day for fulfilling His promise of our beautiful son, Samuel Peter; and Javier and I are both, in turn, eternally committed to showing Samuel how to love God by serving others. We are overjoyed at being able to do so through our continued work here in Guatemala.
If you or someone you know is interested in helping support our work here in Guatemala, you can do so through our mission, Commission to Every Nation. Through their website, you can make a one-time donation or a monthly commitment to helping us serve others. All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated by both ourselves and those you help us to serve. If you have specific questions about our ministries or just our lives here, please do not hesitate to contact us here or through email at: slynnll@gmail.com
Sooooo good to hear how things are going!! ANd super excited to hear that you are sponsoring our kiddos. It's amazing to realize they have started high school!
Much love to all!
Hey lovely lady! Glad to hear what you've been up to. Your son is adorable. Don't know where he gets that from. :) Love to the 3 of you!
still don't know how I got the name "corina" on here or how to change it.
-Corinne Bergmann
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